OK, I know I am getting a little crazy with the Valentine's Day crap but I just can't resist it. And I am madly in love with these foam, glitter hearts. Who knew that $2 worth of shiny stickers could make me happy? Oh wait, I did. Anywho, this is simple and anyone can do it (should you actually want to). You just need glittery, foam hearts (which can be found at most craft stores), needle nose pliers, jump rings, something sharp and pointy, and some ribbon. Mine are technically stickers but cutting around the plastic seems to work. Get the sharp, pointy object (I used a super small screwdriver) and poke a hole through the top of the heart. Get a jump ring, thread it through the hole, and close the ring. Cut ribbon as long as you want each heart to hang. Thread ribbon through the jump ring (you have three necklaces). All you have to do is tie each one on at the length you want. The beauty of the ribbon is you can change your mind, take it out, and start over. And then get some sleep. For real, I have not been to bed.